Briefly, I am Michael Carnell and this is my photography site. It will mostly be film photography, but since I shoot everything there may be some digital photography as well. You can find my main personal site at and my main side-gig/hobby site at That Just British site is all about British cars, so your have been fairly warned!
I originally got into photography way, way back in the 1970s when I was in middle school. I was big into it back then in the film days and was a member of the schools photography club, took some outside classes, developed my own film, my an enlarger out of a projector in the garage, and all sorts of other dork stuff. Having moved up from a little Kodak 126 point-and-shoot, my main camera was a used Zenit-B Soviet-made SLR. It finally died and pretty much took my interest in photography with it for many years.
I tried a couple of times to get back into photography a few times since then, but nothing really stuck. Well, nothing really stuck until a few years ago when I made friends with a photographer, got hold of a more recent digital SLR and then an old film SLR. Something about the feel of those SLR mirrors slapping up rekindled the passion again, and here I am.
Feel free to shoot me an email if you wish. I promise to try to respond to all real/serious emails I get.
Thanks for stopping by,